Wednesday 21 September 2011

Tumalo State Park

Sorry for the silence - no WiFi at Tumalo State Park :)

September 18th - After our forced stay in a hotel in Bend (the Bend Inn and Suites - quite unremarkable, but better than nothing), we were bound and determined to get back into the tent.   So, with baited breath, we once again headed to Tumalo State Park, so nervous we'd see the dreaded "Campground Full" sign.  We arrived between 10 and 11 am and - yippee - the bad sign was replaced with the good sign "Vacancy".  The Oregon State Parks have a self-registry and this is how it works - you drive around the campground and look things over - any site that is empty and has a "one night stay only" or "two night stay only" is up for grabs (maybe).  You throw something on the site to claim it and then return to the self registration booth to see if anyone "incoming" has the site reserved.  If the site you want is not on the incoming list, you fill out the paperwork, pay and ...  it's yours!  We found an amazing site right on the little river.  The sun was shining (not a cloud in the sky) and the temperature by the time we set up, was over 20 (it would go up to 28 that day!).  Leaving the shore for a few days was definitely a good idea - we said that numerous times as we enjoyed the sunshine, warmth and sound of our own little river.  Guinness agreed and loved the feel of the fresh water rinsing off all the sand and salt (or at least we thought we heard him say something to that effect).

Yummy burgers/Greek salad for dins.  Have I told you how much I love camping??!!??

And breakfast?  What else:

even if it was a bit on the chilly side:

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