Sunday 25 September 2011

Rain in the forecast

September 24th:  Another thing we have learned - local businesses post WiFi "hotspots" signs prominently in their front windows.  And because the weather plays such a prominent role in the success of this trip (Nancy hates being wet/cold, and if Nancy ain't happy - no one happy!), we've taken to pulling in to the parking lot of these businesses and checking the weather.

It's not looking good for the next three days - in fact, the rain is supposed to start tonight - uggghhhh!

After a very quick consultation, we decide it might make good sense to head to a hotel tonight - spend Sunday there (see previous post about Dave needing to be in front of the TV for NFL Sunday).  Although we were pretty tired from our crabbin' adventure, we agreed it made sense to get things packed up and into the car, rather than take the chance of getting soaked overnight.  Our destination - Florence/Dune City.

Tonight's sunset/sand dunes pictures were taken from the car:

Need I say more??!!??

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