Wednesday 21 September 2011

Should We Stay or Should We Go??

September 20th

Woke up to a bit of a chill in the air - curiosity made us start the car, just so we could see the temperature - 6C!!!  Good thing for toques, gloves and hot coffee (and left over bacon for bacon and tomato sandwiches)!!  We're up early thanks to 2 G** D***** Jack Russell terriers that started barking at 6:30!!!!

We really loved Bend and had a hard time deciding whether we should stay for another day, or not.  The weather along the coast looked better, so we decided to pull up camp and head northwest to Newport.  We wanted one night in a hotel (top priorities - shower and laundry). 

With all this time in the car, you get to know all kinds of important things about your travel mate - for example, Dave and I have been married for over 23 years, and I didn't realize he knew most of the words to the song "Tequila makes her clothes fall off"!!! Amazing, eh?

So we're back in the land of the Tsunami Evacuation Route signs:

Newport is a beautiful little seaside town and we have found a hotel right on the shore - the Elizabeth Street Inn (structure on the left). 

They love Guinness and we sleep with the sliding glass door open to hear the crashing of the waves on the shore.  Night one was so comfortable, we have decided to stay another night :)

The beaches, the sanddunes and the surf are absolutely magnificent - but I have to say, we haven't had much luck with the sunsets.  Even on the nicest of days, the sky seems to cloud over just about that time of day - we'll keep looking, but for now we've seen nothing that comes even close to our sunsets at Indian Point and Port Joli.  We'll keep you posted on that one.

Truth be known - I'd trade a good bucket of clams for a sunset any day :)

Next stop: Beachside State Park (2 miles north of Waldport).  The plan is to spend 2 nights there and book a hotel for Sat/Sun.  Dave went without football last Sunday and I hesitate to guess what would happen if he went two weeks in a row with no NFL!!

Love to all, N, D & Mr.G

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