Saturday 17 September 2011

The Stephanie Inn

September 15th

Obviously, we have talked about driving the Oregon coast for a while - and our family listened (& listened, & listened :)   Our Christmas gift from Ryan and Sydelle was a gift certificate to an amazing Inn/Restaurant in Cannon Beach, the Stephanie Inn.  Thankfully the gift certificate did not go on the moving van, and I actually remembered to put it in my purse when packing for the trip!!  Any and all sporadic acts of mindfulness are very welcome in amongst my more frequent forgetful moments.

We were thrilled to learn that the Inn was about a 5 minute walk from where we were staying, and right on the beach (second resort from the right, just below the kites):

As I had yet to witness an Oregon Coast sunset, I was a bit disappointed to find out that the restaurant faced the parking lot, and not the beach :(   but my disappointment was short-lived as the excellent service and magnificent food quickly created a sunset amnesia.  We loved our food (Dave: blackened Lin cod and Nancy: braised duck) and thoroughly enjoyed our evening. 

As fate would have it, mid-meal, when I went 'round to the front of the building to take a picture of the sunset, it had clouded over - so we missed nothing at all!

Thank you Ryan and Sydelle!!  xoxo

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