Wednesday 21 September 2011

High Desert

September 19

The Bend area is considered "high desert".  It is extremely dry and the vegitation is exactly what you would expect to see in a desert, maybe a slight bit more green - and very, very dusty!!

After another good nights sleep in the tent, we decided to explore some of the sights of the area.  First we hiked up Pilot Butte.  It is right in Bend and provides a magnificent view of the entire city and surrounding area - again, not a cloud in the sky and it seemed you could see forever!!!  A very friendly man directed us to our next adventure - the Newberry National Volcanic Monument.  Alan had told us that this was worth seeing, but our new-best-friend said that most people miss the best part of the Monument - Pauletta Peak ( elevation 7984 ft).  The adventure was mainly in getting there - a single lane dirt road - if you meet a car, the car on the mountain side stops and the other car proceeds (very slowly) past it.  Without a word of a lie, I almost told Dave to go back down - I couldn't stop myself from looking down and was sure the loose gravel under the passenger side of the car was going to let go, pitching the car side over side to our most certain death.  Seriously - I had palpitations!!!  I'm glad to report that the drive from hell was worth it.  The scenery at the peek was absolutely breathtaking - unfortunately the pictures don't do it justice! 

Noteworthy - it was 28 C at the bottom of the climb, and 15 at the top!

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