Monday 26 March 2012

Stanford Inn

Normally, an Inn or Hotel would not warrant it's own blog post - but this place was pretty special.  I found it on-line and was curious about it - it sounded amazing!!  Organic garden, fireplaces, waaaay pet friendly, rescue llamas/donkeys, bikes for all guests ...  So, needless to say, every place we looked at simply didn't interest me.  Eventually we "stumbled" across the Stanford Inn.  Dave was very impressed with the lobby - double faced fireplace and an impressive wine list at the bar; and when we balked at the cost, they dropped the nightly rate significantly.  I really can't do the place justice - you have to go look for yourself:  But the best part of this entire story is a tiny bit of information I withheld from Dave - the restaurant, Ravens, is vegan!!!  You should have seen the look on his face - he was studying the menu and I was watching out of the corner of my eye (trying sooo hard not to laugh!!).  He finally said, "I don't recognise a thing on this menu."  That was when I had to admit that the restaurant was totally vegan, and that I knew it when we checked in.  He wasn't annoyed - just paid me back by having the biggest burgers EVER at all meals off the resort!!!  OMG - it was sooo worth it, if you could have seen the look on his face ...  (check out Ravens menu - I had the Sea Palm dish - picture to follow - it was delicious!!)

A visual of the rain that caused us to be held up:

We looooved the lobby! It felt like a big hug.

Our room

The most dog friendly place ever!!  They had two dining rooms - the one closest to the lobby fireplaces was totally dog friendly, the only requirement being that your dog be "of the best behaviour".  Guinness passed and we were thrilled to have him join us for meals (for him it was a spectator sport :)

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