Tuesday 27 March 2012

Nova Scotia please, and don't spare the horses!!!

First things first - if you were a labradoodle, would you prefer 8 long miserable days in the back of a car; or would you prefer one long miserable day with WestJet????  Answer - you are a labradoodle, you don't get to make decisions.  Your humans have decided that you'd be happier hanging out with your cousin Sprout while we scoot across the continent.  We'll send for you when we settle - promise!!!

The camping gear from our West Coast Sunsets and Sand Dunes Tour is now in storage with the rest of our furniture.  We've had an amazing final visit with friends and family, and we're headed east.  Off we go through:

North Dakota (just days ahead of their first snowfall!)
Illinois (thanks to CAA for getting us BY Chicago and not IN Chicago!)
New Hampshire
New Brunswick

and finally, NOVA SCOTIA!!!   After 3 provinces and 15 states, we were ready to kiss the NS soil and were so grateful to Lorna and Stewart for giving us a soft spot to land our first night "home".

A few memorable pictures:

The Badlands of North Dakota:

Farmland like we've never seen before - it goes on for-frikkin-ever!!!

Flat farmland:

Hilly farmland:

Many, many "big sky" sunsets:

Evidence of cities (avoided like the plague)

and more Best Western's than I care to mention!!

8 days after pulling away from North Vancouver, my husband delivered me safely to Nova Scotia. Thanks Dave - I love you!!!

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