Thursday 29 March 2012

Random sunsets

So, the weary travellers are back in NS (Oct '11).  We are happy to be home, but somewhat disoriented.  If you have ever been homeless, you'll understand the feeling.  Well, we weren't REALLY homeless - 75 Sunset Drive was rented out (as we weren't expecting to return to NS till April, 2012) - but we were fortunate enough to have the use of Skip and Judy's place next door.  We will be forever thankful to the Oliver's for their generosity.  It allowed us to be in close proximity to Heather and Andy, which came in very handy when Heather was hospitalized and recuperating. 

From the end of October until early January, we resumed our status as residents of Indian Point, Glen Haven.  During this time, I was reminded of why I had such a love for sunsets - because we have some of the most stunning sunsets in the WHOLE  wide world (somewhat biased, I'll admit) every season of the year:

Including the Fall (this one from the Oliver's deck):

and the winter (from our deck):

In mid January, we joined Ria, PJ and the boys in Hawaii, and once again, I was captivated by the immense beauty of the setting sun:

and finally

Oh yes, we encountered some dunes in Hawaii as well.  Well, not really dunes, but I'm sure Finnegan and Teggen will always think of these as very large dunes :)

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