Thursday 29 March 2012

On the Road Again: destination Florida via Waynesboro, Va

March 21st

Once again, we've loaded up the car and are setting off on a driving adventure - this time, our destination is Florida.  As with our West Coast Sunsets and Sand Dunes trip, Guinness is along for the ride - and for the same reasons, we don't know how long we'll be gone and I can't stand the thoughts of being without him for too long and kennelling him indefinitely.   Mucho thanks to Dave for agreeing to drag our furry friend along.  As those of you who have travelled with pets know, it makes for a very different sort of trip - a bit more complicated, but very enjoyable if the pre-planning is done.

 Dave has always wanted to make the NS to Fla driving trip, but never had the chance because of time restrictions with a very busy work schedule.  I have done it once (Fla to NS).  It was the year after my Dad died, and I flew down to drive back with Mom.  I won't go into any details about the differences between the two trips - would either bore you to death, or make this a blog that would have to be "X-rated".  Rather I'll tell you the one similarity between the two trips - making Waynesboro, Virginia a destination highlight of the trip. 

Waynesboro (an approx 21 hr drive) is where my Dad's brother Noel and his wife Peggy settled many, many years ago when Uncle Noel took a position as a scientist with DuPont (he was on the team that invented Lycra and Kevlar!!).  Growing up, we only got to see Uncle Noel and Auntie Peg every second year, when they loaded up the car with their 3 boys (Sandy, John and Alan) and drove to N.S.  They were favourites and the summers they came our way were always very special (but I digress ...).  Anyway, Uncle Noel is now just shy of his 88th birthday, still living at 1208 Shamrock Lane and still as sharp as a tack.  I am very glad we got to spend some time with him and look forward to our next visit.  Much thanks to cousin John and his wife Drusie for putting us up for the night - not everyone will take on 2 Canucks and a labradoodle!!!  And thanks as well to Drusie's son Will for leaving VMI to come out to meet us.  Hopefully we've talked them all into coming our way this summer so we can return the favour.

My Uncle Noel

And thanks as well to Drusie for recommending that Outer Banks, North Carolina be our next destination - more on that in the next post.

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