Monday 3 October 2011

Sea to Tree

Oct 1 - Our travel from the Coos Bay area down along the coast to Eureka, California was uneventful, and I won't bore you with any of the tons of pictures taken of the beautiful coast.  The California coast is under the same horrible weather pattern the Oregon coast was - so we're back to Best Western Land.  While Guinness seemed to enjoy his tent naps:

they're nothing compared to his Best Western naps:

On Sunday, while Dave got his football fix, Guinness and I went to the Samoa Dunes for some more beach time.  At one end of the beach, surfers have their way with the waves, at the other the 4-wheelers have their way with the dunes.  And in between, just sand and sea!

And now for something completely different ...  trees

Oct 3 - On the agenda for today, the Avenue of the Giants, a "world famous scenic" 31 mile drive that parallels Hwy 101 and contains 51,222 acres of redwood groves.  Humboldt Redwoods State Park, which surrounds the Avenue of Giants has the largest stand of virgin redwoods in the world - truly amazing!!!

You can drive past them:

you can drive through them:

you can look up at them:

you can stay dry in them:

but you can't get your arms around them (some of them):

or across them:

Truly amazing!!!

Tomorrow: Mendocino, Cal

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