Sunday 2 October 2011


Hello everyone,

I seem to have a ton of time on my hands these days - what with long car rides, afternoon naps in the tent and walks along beautiful beaches.  I've been very productive with this "down time" -  I've decided it's time to create my own camping village.  It will be called Nancyville.

I have yet to acquire the land, or even decide where Nancyville will be located, but I have cleared a major hurdle - establishing the campground guidelines.  They are, in no particular order:

The owners guarantee:
  • that all sites will be grass, not sand or dirt;
  • that there will be no charge for showers, and there will be no limits on the time/amount of hot water;
  • laundry facilities and shaded kennel sites will be provided at the campground;
  • that the two largest RV pads will be converted to gardens - one for organically grown veggies, the other for greens;
In return, all campers will abide by the following:
  • Men may wear anything they want to the shower - with the exception of bathrobes (gents, no matter how "hot" you are, you do not look good in a bathrobe.)  What you do in your tent/RV is your business, but the use of bathrobes otherwise is banned in Nancyville;
  • Dogs who bark before 7am will be driven 1 mile from the campground and must find their own way back to the campground unassisted - the same applies for screaming children.  If this does not resolve the problem family members of said dogs/children will be ejected from the campground;
  • The larger the RV, the higher the campground fee - those in two person tents or less, camp for free;
  • Anyone whose car alarm goes off between the hours of 10pm and 7am shall sit in a wire cage constructed for that purpose for 2 hours.  The guilty may choose which two hours they "sit", but it must be during daylight hours so that those campers who sat bolt upright in the middle of the night can be certain of the identity of the guilty party;
  • Anyone travelling in a RV with a satellite dish will tend the aforementioned gardens and CAC (car alarm cage).  They will be assisted by any man caught wearing a bathrobe to the shower.  Upon completion of their chores, they may watch one hour of Dora The Explorer.
The owners (me ;) reserve the right to post further guidelines as the need for same arises.

Anyone wanting to book a spot for 2012 may do so at

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