Sunday 2 October 2011

Coos Bay/Sunset Bay State Park

After our amazing stay at Crater Lake, we were anxious to get back to the coast - our destination, Coos Bay.  The drive was about 6 hours, and Guinness & I thawed out at about hour 3 (Dave seemed completely unaffected by the rather cool temps).  After the rather chilly night at Crater Lake, we decided a night in a hotel was appropriate. We again holed up in a Best Western - Dave was able to get the car serviced, and I was able to get a much needed haircut.  We had a fantastic German meal (that's for you Christina) and prepared to get back into the tent.

Dee and Garth recommended the Sunset Bay State Park, so off we went (only about 40 min drive from Coos Bay).  The long range forecast was not looking good - but the next 2 days seem to be okay.  It was mid-week and we think folks may have been scared off by the weather - so we really had our pick of the campsites.  Found a HUGE site with an equally HUGE tree (which would later become very important as the precipitation eventually commenced, exactly as forecast).

Here's the Bay:

Our first night was dry and uneventful - night two, slightly different.  But do not despair!!  A quick trip to Walmart for a $39 purchase, and moving the tent under the HUGE tree made all the difference in the world:

The drizzle did not interfere at all with our fun, and we proceeded with the plan for fajita night:

We both enjoyed hearing the pitter patter of raindrops on the tent during the night - the pack up in the morning was not quite as enjoyable.  (sorry for the fuzzy picture, but I thought it was worth posting)

Next stop: Eureka, California
See you there!!  xoxo

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