Saturday 7 April 2012

St Augustine, Fla

Well, what a beautiful little find this has turned out to be!!!  I have become quite a fan of , a webpage for owners who are interested in renting their homes/condos/cottages.  There are postings from all 'round the world and for the second time, we have had great success with it.  It especially worked for this trip because owners post whether or not they are willing to have pets - makes the searching very easy and eliminates many frustrating phone calls/emails.  We knew we were interested in the St Augustine area.  Dave and Skip stayed here a number of years ago when the Superbowl was in Jacksonville, Fla and that city was unable to accommodate the influx of fans.  St Augustine took much of the overflow.  Dave has talked about it ever since.  When I went on-line and looked at what it had to offer, it seemed like an amazing combo of beach holiday destination and historical interest (St Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied European-established city and port in the continental US!!!).

We arrived in St Augustine a few days before we could access our accommodations.  We bunked up in a Quality Inn, enjoyed the beach and snooped around the old city.  It is very busy here this time of year, with many people taking advantage of the Easter holidays to stretch out their vacation time.  The churches have gone all out in preparation for the celebrations and I'd like to share with you the most amazing every palm arrangement - I have never seen anything like it:

The picture really doesn't do it justice - but I hope you get the idea.

And in the category of very different arrangements, take a look at this v. cool front door arrangement:

Cute, eh?  I may have to make one for Andy!!!

I won't bore you with all the pictures I took of old town, St Augustine, but want to give you a taste of the age of the city by showing you a few of the beautiful homes:

Next stop: 5307 Pelican Way, St Augustine Beach

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